The TRIANGLE Project hosted a booth at the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) in Oulu, Finland respectively. At EuCNC we provided a sneak peek into the soon-to-be-released test and certification framework. This new line didn’t pass unnoticed, providing a base for exciting discussion with experts and potential participants to the ongoing Open Calls. The effective working of new 5G applications and services is paramount in a global competitive marketplace and the standardized TRIANGLE testing and certification scheme can help achieve this.

TRIANGLE Booth at EuCNC 2017

The unique testbed features shown were:
• The truly end-to-end testing capabilities given by the S1 interface and the commercial Evolved Packet Core
• The ease and effectiveness of the testbed and tests orchestration, including mobile apps and measurement tools
• The availability of synchronized measurements across the testbed

TRIANGLE Booth at EuCNC 2017 in Oulu, Finland

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