June 2018 TRIANGLE Newsletter #9
TRIANGLE 5G Testbed newsletter

Welcome to the TRIANGLE Newsletter
In this newsletter we call for 5G developers, device makers and operators to apply for free testing on the 5G testbed in the TRIANGLE* project. Find out more about how to apply on the TRIANGLE website
Here we bring you news of the TNO testbed extension, the 5G testbed that remains open for testing, a nod to the new EU GDPR legislation and how we handle your data as well as the upcoming TRIANGLE hosted workshop as part of the 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2018).

The TRIANGLE project has developed a framework to help app developers and device manufacturers in the evolving 5G sector to test and benchmark new mobile applications, devices, and services utilizing existing and extended FIRE testbeds. This framework will evaluate Quality of Experience - QoE of new mobile applications, services and devices designed to operate in the future 5G mobile broadband networks - and enable certification for new mobile applications and devices... Read more...

TNO TRIANGLE testbed extension

TNO TRIANGLE Testbed Extension

Based in The Hague in the Netherlands, TNO is one of a growing international network comprised of leading scientific institutes, companies with ambitious development profiles, universities and other partners in knowledge. Companies, public-sector bodies and social organisations work with TNO in public-private partnerships Transfer Knowledge designed specifically for SMEs. .. .. Read more...

TRIANGLE 5G Testbed available for testing!

The TRIANGLE testbed is still open for applications until the end of November 2018. We are offering SMEs the opportunity to test their 5G applications and devices on a state-of-the-art testbed. This testbed is located in Malaga University but can be accessed remotely once we have the device or application in question on the testbed. Please make use of this opportunity to save on your infrastructure costs and get some expert input on how to test your device or application so that it is 5G ready for the competition coming along with the launch of 5G networks from 2020. Register your interest with a simple application form. .. Read more...

Announcing the TRIANGLE workshop in ISWCS Portugal 28 August 2018

TRIANGLE is hosting a Workshop on “End-to-end Performance Evaluation of Services, Applications and Devices in 5G Networks”. This workshop will be co-located with the 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS 2018), to be held on 28-31 August in Lisbon, Portugal. This workshop will reflect on experiments performed with the TRIANGLE testbed and present the approach developed to create a measured QoE estimation. 
Please come and join us! Register your interest in the conference workshop here... Read more...

And GDPR...

GDPR came into effect in May this year. GDPR is a data protection law that governs how websites store and retain the personal data of EU citizens. We in TRIANGLE know how important your privacy is and we use your email address to send you this newsletter. We do not share your personal information with anyone. This newsletter is presented to you by the Triangle Project either because you have subscribed to the newsletter or you have expressed interest to be kept up to date on the Triangle Project progress. As always, if you prefer not to receive this newsletter, simply press the unsubscribe button at the end of our newsletter, or write to info@triangle-project.eu and we will ensure you are unsubscribed from future mailings.

TRIANGLE demos at EuCNC2018

TRIANGLE camped out in EuCNC2018 for the week in Ljubljana from 18 – 21 June. We had a wonderful time demonstrating our testbed and talking to everyone about our state-of-the-art 5G testbed for application developers, device manufacturers and operators.
There are six partners in the TRIANGLE Project: Keysight Technologies, Belgium/Denmark, University of Malaga ( UMA), Spain, RedZinc, Ireland, University College London ( UCL), UK; DEKRA, Spain and Quamotion, Belgium.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688712.
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