The TRIANGLE project held its final set of Open Calls for experiments OC5/6 and has accepted a diverse range of interesting applicants. After a number of high-quality applications from a range of sectors, the selection team have decided on the following applicants:

OC5: LucidWeb


The TRIANGLE team are delighted to have these companies using our latest Testbed release and some of the Extensions that have been added from our Extension Open Calls. These applications cover a number of interesting areas including:

  • Virtual Reality
  • Location tracking and lifeline communications
  • Automotive and Logistics

In addition to these applicants, we have a diverse set of external users who have applied to use the Testbed on a free basis when there is additional capacity. If you are interested to find out more about using the TRIANGLE Testbed on a non-funded basis then more information can be found at The results of the previous and recent Open Calls will be showcased on our website at the end of December.

Results of applications in TRIANGLE Open Calls 5 and 6

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