November 2018 TRIANGLE Newsletter #10
TRIANGLE 5G Testbed newsletter

Welcome to the TRIANGLE Newsletter
In this newsletter we showcase the developers who tested software and devices on the 5G testbed as part of the TRIANGLE* project. 
Here we bring you news of the outcome of the last open calls OC5 and OC6 in TRIANGLE, as well as three events TRIANGLE participated in IEEE Camad, IEEE SmartGridComm and the ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT).

*The TRIANGLE project has developed a framework to help app developers and device manufacturers in the evolving 5G sector to test and benchmark new mobile applications, devices, and services utilizing existing and extended FIRE testbeds. This framework will evaluate Quality of Experience - QoE of new mobile applications, services and devices designed to operate in the future 5G mobile broadband networks - and enable certification for new mobile applications and devices...Read more...

TRIANGLE Testbed Experiments

Showcase #1: Testing of improved scheduling algorithms of a 4G towards 5G software defined RAN
IS Wireless is an advanced wireless communications company who are developing protocols, simulators and IP algorithms for 4G and 5G networks. The experiment carried out on the TRIANGLE testbed was called “PHYSCHED: Design space exploration and performance testing for PHY & scheduler.”....Read more...

Showcase #2: Testing how a Chatbot behaves in a 4G towards 5G context

INFOLYSiS is a highly innovative SME, which realises innovative technologies and exploits cutting-edge research to deliver state-of-the-art services and products. IoT interoperability, SDN/NFV, 5G, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Video Quality, Cloud computing, Mobile Communications. The experiment on the TRIANGLE testbed was 5G-Bot: Evaluation of 5G on QoE of Chatbot applications....Read more...

Showcase #3: Testing of cellular grid in a 4G towards 5G context

Comsensus have sensors to automatically track equipment overheating, energy consumption, the quality of the power in the grid, moisture level, etc. and that the automatically collected in-situ data integrates with the company IT infrastructure. The experiment carried out on the TRIANGLE testbed was called “Cellular Grid: Cellular Networks for Real-Time Monitoring of Smart Grid....Read more...

Showcase #4: Testing a remote access point with centralised RAN in a 4G towards 5G context

The Wireless System Lab (WisyLab) is dedicated to research, link-level simulation, design and implementation of physical layer (PHY) components of wireless communication systems, using software defined radio (SDR) techniques. WisyLab is part of Politecnico di Milano. The experiment carried out on the TRIANGLE testbed was called “Dual Radio-over-Copper (RoC) Remotization for Multi-RAT Centralized-RAN Architecture in 5G Deployments.”....Read more...

Results of applications to TRIANGLE testbed in open calls

The TRIANGLE project held its final set of Open Calls for experiments OC5/6 and has accepted a diverse range of interesting applicants. After a number of high-quality applications from a range of sectors, the selection team have decided on the following applicants;....Read more...

TRIANGLE presents paper at IEEE CAMAD

TRIANGLE presented a paper at the IEEE CAMAD (Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks) workshop in Barcelona in September around the topic of 5G apps, testing and certification. Building on the experience on 4G and App testing methodologies, the TRIANGLE project is pursuing the creation of a 5G certification scheme, together wit...Read more...

TRIANGLE showcased IoT benchmarking at IEEE SmartGridComm

IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids on 29-31 October 2018 in Aalborg, Denmark. See here for details. TRIANGLE had a...Read more...

TRIANGLE presents at 6th UCAAT

TRIANGLE was represented by DEKRA at the 6th User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT). The TRIANGLE presentation was on “Testing Solution for Virtual Reality Applications” and the speaker bio of DEKRA’s Carlos Cardenas can be found here. The ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) took place ...Read more...
There are six partners in the TRIANGLE Project: Keysight Technologies, Belgium/Denmark, University of Malaga (UMA), Spain, RedZinc, Ireland, University College London (UCL), UK; DEKRA, Spain and Quamotion, Belgium.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688712.
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