April 2019 TRIANGLE Newsletter #12
TRIANGLE 5G Testbed newsletter

Farewell from the TRIANGLE team!
It's time to say goodbye. This is the very last newsletter from the TRIANGLE project on 5G Applications and Devices Benchmarking. We have learned a lot and enjoyed working together to build a testbed and help small companies and operators to test devices and applications in order to be 5G ready... Read more...

*The TRIANGLE project has developed a framework to help app developers and device manufacturers in the evolving 5G sector to test and benchmark new mobile applications, devices, and services utilizing existing and extended FIRE testbeds. This framework will evaluate Quality of Experience - QoE of new mobile applications, services and devices designed to operate in the future 5G mobile broadband networks - and enable certification for new mobile applications and devices...Read more...


TRIANGLE tests in Signals Research Group 3GPP IoT benchmark study

The Signals Research Group carried out an independent benchmark study of 3GPP-based IoT devices in collaboration with the H2020 EU TRIANGLE Project and the Connectivity Services Section at Aalborg University. In order to do this, the power consumption and ...Read more...

TRIANGLE – a summary of the experiments performed on the testbed

The TRIANGLE Project funded three waves of Open Calls for experimenters. This helped developers and operators to get their devices and applications 5G ready, increased the capabilities of the Testbed and provided valuable feedback to the TRIANGLE consortium both ..Read more...

TRIANGLE brochure to showcase the project results

TRIANGLE have created a brochure for the project with a summary of the main achievements. The brochure can be downloaded here.

TRIANGLE test specification document

TRIANGLE has released a comprehensive document containing all the test specifications developed in the project. The document can be downloaded here.

TRIANGLE final review and testbed demos

The final review of the TRIANGLE project takes place in UMA in Malaga from 2 – 5 April 2019. There is an exciting line-up of presentations and demonstrations from developers who used the testbed, such as...Read more...

TRIANGLE will be at EuCNC2019

We look forward to seeing you at this year's EuCNC2019. Please come and see us and ask about the testbed.
There are six partners in the TRIANGLE Project: Keysight Technologies, Belgium/Denmark, University of Malaga (UMA), Spain, RedZinc, Ireland, University College London (UCL), UK; DEKRA, Spain and Quamotion, Belgium.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688712.
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