October 2016 TRIANGLE Newsletter #3

The TRIANGLE project announces its recently opened Open Call funding for 5G developers, makers and operators this month! Find out more and how to apply below.

The newsletter follows with a description of how App Lab works with the TRIANGLE testbed, with some great benefits for app developers. There is a link to the new TRIANGLE white paper as well as describing some 5G events in which we are participating.

The TRIANGLE project is developing a framework to help app developers and device manufacturers in the evolving 5G sector to test and benchmark new mobile applications, devices, and services utilizing existing and extended FIRE testbeds. This framework will evaluate Quality of Experience -
QoE of new mobile applications, services and devices designed to operate in the future 5G mobile broadband networks -and enable certification for new mobile applications and devices.

Please have a look at our new white paper on 5G Benchmarking-as-a-Service.

Also if you haven't done so already, check out our new video describing the TRIANGLE project and the testbed!


Funding Opportunities NOW Available for 5G Testing and Benchmarking - TRIANGLE Open Call 2016!

Are you a 5G App Developer, Device Maker, Network Technology Developer, Mobile Network Operator or Researcher?

Do you have a mobile app, a mobile device or an IoT device, a service provisioning system, a RAN or network component that would benefit from testing or receiving a professional-grade certification of 5G readiness?

Funding of up to 20.000€ per experiment is available if you have a mobile app, mobile or IoT device, or service provisioning system you would like to experiment with and test on a 5G end-to-end network using the latest technological advances in wireless networking, and up to 100.000€ is available if you have a RAN or other network hardware/software component and you wish to incorporate into our test bed by way of an extension so that the testbed is further enhanced. You can also avail of a TRIANGLE certification or benchmark for your application or device. 
You can apply for funding through our Open Call process for funding for an experiment or an extension between 1st September 2016 and 31st October 2016. Successful applicants will be informed by 1st December 2016 and experiments will start from January 2017.
Application steps:
Step 1: Visit and review the Open Call instructions. Follow the relevant instructions for either experiments or extensions applications.
Step 2: Prepare your application. Fill out your budget request. Sign up for an f6s application process platform account (if you do not already have an f6s account) and complete the application form.
Step 3: You're done! You’ll hear back from us by email by the end of November 2016.

Proposals must be received by Monday, October 31, 2016 at 17:00h CET (Brussels time) for the fixed open call.

You can contact us at any time during the entire process for assistance or for a pre-evaluation of your ideas and needs. 

Click here for full instructions on applying to the TRIANGLE Open Call!

How does App Lab work in the TRIANGLE testbed? 

App Lab is a mobile app distribution platform developed by TRIANGLE partner UCL to create a “living-lab” testbed that provides controlled conditions for app developers in small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and institutions to test and validate their innovations, through access to UCL’s 45,000 staff and students.
App Lab can distribute the applications to a large- scale testbed for pre-commercial testing and validation services by providing a private (enterprise) app store, offering in-the-wild user rapid field testing and feedback.
In addition to app distribution, App Lab collects valuable data for evaluation to provide fast iteration of releases for app improvement cycles. The data is collected using the UXCam product, which shows how users are engaging with the applications, what features are used and not used, and how user journeys occur with real users. UXCam allows visualization of hotspots where users are interacting with the User Interface (UI) and entire user journeys can be played back as a set of animations from a web console. This is very useful for app developers to visualize how real users are interacting with the applications, as opposed to how they think users should interact with their applications. This often leads to discovering usability issues and necessitating rework of the User Experience.

UCL App Lab
How does TRIANGLE testbed and the App Lab benefit the app developer?
Users who submit their apps to App Lab for use by the user community can verify that their app functions utilise the TRIANGLE Testbed as expected in different network and device configurations. One immediate benefit to the app developer of the TRIANGLE Testbed is to perform device and functional testing in a number of characteristics of apps that are submitted to App Lab.
The TRIANGLE Portal extends the existing PerformLTE FIRE testbed in the University of Malaga, part of the Fed4FIRE project. FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation), is an EC initiative to create a set of open labs for research, development and innovation. Fed4FIRE is a H2020 project that combine a number of testbeds, including the PerformLTE testbed at the University of Malaga. This testbed provides different types of equipment, LTE radio access emulators equipment, Evolved Nodes B (eNBs), User Equipment (UE) both commercial and engineered to provide measurements, and an Evolved Packet Core (EPC) emulation system. All these elements can be combined and experimentation can be performed in all the components of a LTE network together with App Lab on the TRIANGLE testbed.

White Paper - 5G Benchmarking as a Service 

Here we describe how an application developer, a device manufacturer or an operator can test their product or service offering and compare it to a set of performance or other metrics in order to improve their product and prepare for developing  5G data networks which are expected to start rolling out by 2020 in line with EU directives. The 5G networks have high performance targets such as high throughput, low latency (below 5 or 10ms), ultra-high reliability, high density, along with tight constraints on territory and population coverage. Testing and benchmarking will allow developers to improve and position their product performance in a pre-5G era.

The TRIANGLE testbed allows application developers to test and benchmark their application and device manufacturers to test their device under 5G scenarios, and obtain scores against a set of pre-defined KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Not only that but it allows companies and institutions the freedom to experiment on a testbed in order to improve the performance and capabilities of their product, whether application or device, ahead of the marketplace.
TRIANGLE Benchmarking Process

The full white paper is now available in the Resources section of the TRIANGLE website!


FIRE Forum 2016

TRIANGLE attended the FIRE Forum in Bratislava last week. 

FIRE Forum logo

Upcoming Events

 NGMN Industry Conference
TRIANGLE will be showcased at the annual NGMN Industry Conference and Exhibition on 12th / 13th October 2016, Frankfurt, Germany at a booth hosted by TRIANGLE partner Keysight. Please come to the booth and get a demo of what TRIANGLE testbed can do for you.
NGNM logo

 EuroSTAR Software Testing Conference
TRIANGLE will be represented at the annual EuroSTAR Software Testing Conference in Stockholm on 31st October 2016 at a booth hosted by partner Quamotion. Held over 4 days, it features over 60 sessions including tutorials, workshops and talks and also includes a software testing exhibition which runs for 2.5 days. Come and say hello and find out how you can test your 5G App with TRIANGLE.

EuroSTAR Conference logo

TRIANGLE will give a presentation at the free eWine workshop on Friday 11th November. This occurs straight after the 5G-PPP Second Global Event: "Enabling the 5G Ecosphere"  on  9th-10th November 2016 in Rome, Italy. 
eWine workshop logo

There are six partners in the TRIANGLE Project: Keysight Technologies, Belgium/Denmark, University of Malaga (UMA), Spain, RedZinc, Ireland, University College London (UCL), UK; AT4 Wireless, Spain and Quamotion, Belgium.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688712.
Copyright © 2016 Triangle, All rights reserved.