This is the very last newsletter from the TRIANGLE project on 5G Applications and Devices Benchmarking. We have learned a lot and enjoyed working together to build a testbed and help small companies and operators to test devices and applications in order to be 5G ready. We have also defined a framework for the testing of Quality of Experience of devices and applications using 5G networks. TRIANGLE contributed to the Global Certification Forum for 5G certification standards, to NGMN to define 5G Trial KPIs and contributed a prolific number of important scientific papers, presentations and demos at major annual events such as MWC, EuCNC and Globecomm to name a few.

We will see you at EuCNC2019 for a final hurrah and demonstration of the 5G testing capabilities.

Best wishes for a successful device and/or application on future 5G networks!

From the TRIANGLE Consortium

Farewell from the TRIANGLE team

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