The third Open Call is now closed. You can request access to the TRIANGLE Test Bed here.

The TRIANGLE project will have a number of Open Calls, commencing in October 2016 and concluding in mid 2018.

Type of participants: The profile of call participants is SMEs, larger companies and/or research institutions that are active in research and/or development and testing of applications, services, or devices that could require high speed, low latency, or high reliability that would benefit from 5G and could benefit from benchmarking their apps, devices or Services. The target recipient would be interested in testing target applications or devices on the TRIANGLE Test Bed. Applicable areas could include but are not limited to gaming, Virtual Reality, medical applications/devices, autonomous and remote control vehicles and IoT devices. The rules of participation are the same as for any H2020 proposal.

Experiment description: The TRIANGLE Test bed will measure many low-level aspects of mobile devices and applications including the impact of power drain, network latency and various types of network mobility. The Test bed contains a number of powerful mobile testing and emulation devices to test different network conditions. Part of the Test bed features tools for automation of app deployment and configuration and includes the ability to execute automated test scripts. Experiments are expected to make use of the Test bed functionality to test mobile apps and devices under different network conditions.

The consortium is also open to other ideas and suggestions which may not be listed above, with the objective of building and expanding the capabilities of the Triangle testbed. In particular, the consortium is interested in technologies that can help the testbed achieve the performance identified by 5G NGMN use cases, contained in the white paper This specifies 14 new use cases with various targeted KPI User Experienced Data Rate for uplink and downlink speeds, for end-to-end latency and for mobility. Devices and applications testers from open calls need to target these use cases.

Benefits to the applicant: As there are no live networks with 5G features yet applicants can save the cost of making their own experimentation platform. Triangle is a unique platform to test some of the features that will be provided by 5G, so the new services and products will be ready when 5G networks become available.

Triangle members will provide support for employing your application or device into the testbed and the service is free to access for the duration of the experiment. Triangle certification will indicate how your device or application performs under a number of test conditions and compares to benchmark devices and applications that have similar features.

Duration of the experimentThe maximum allowed duration of each experiment is expected to be 6 months
Language of the proposalEnglish
Call openingFebruary 1st, 2018
Call deadlineMarch 11th, 2018, midnight CET (Brussels time)
Notification of acceptanceMarch 20th, 2018
Experiments startingApril 1st, 2018
Proposal submission and informationVia F6S online platform

Note: if you experience problems with F6S, please send us the proposal by email
Expression of InterestThe Open Call has officially opened, interested companies can submit their proposals through F6S
Call identifierTRIANGLE-OC5
Call nameThird TRIANGLE Open Call for Experiments
Number of proposals to be accepted6 to 8

Supporting material

Online documentation and supporting tutorials are available at:

While submitting your application to the Open Call for Experiments OC5, please use the following documentation.

DocumentWhy is it important?
Open Call 5 instructionsThis document contains the full description of the Open Call. It helps you clarifying what is suitable for submission to the Call, what is the review process, and how to apply to it
Before applyingRead this document as a walk-through that can help you submitting the application on the online platform.
Privacy PolicyThis document describes exactly our policy about dissemination of the results. It will help us guaranteeing your privacy and intellectual property
Agreement FormThis document contain the full description of what we can offer, what you can expect and what are the mutual responsibilities. It is a legally binding Service Level Agreement from both parties

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